Northern Wind

Northern Wind

Black and white image of mountain

Echø Mini


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We wanted to create something tangible that would personally push us to get out of our comfort zone. A brand that represents the raw feeling of freedom that we feel every time we conquer a mountain.

But the clothes are only the first layer of Northern Wind. We want to transform this brand into a community that wants to live and breathe adventures, in any way possible.

Our Aim

Northern Wind might be small right now. But it is the prime example of what two minds and hearts can do, being united with the same passion. We believe that everyone wants to live their life to the fullest. Let it be discomfort, adrenaline, facing your fears, making your dreams come true, or caring for the planet or yourself.

Northern Wind means you believe in yourself. Your adventure can be inspired and will inspire. You can have an impact on yourself, a community, and the world.

It is your choice to start your journey. And we are the ones next to you.

Our Values

Journey further, impact less.

Sustainable clothing for the wild at heart!

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